What is your favorite blues tune of all time? Who is your favorite blues artist?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is your favorite blues tune of all time? Who is your favorite blues artist?
Eleven answers:
2007-05-17 14:25:57 UTC
"Ball and chain" by Willie Mae ("Big Mama") Thornton although I like Janis Joplins version as well .
Beatle fanatic
2007-05-17 10:37:28 UTC
I can't believe that with all these answers from so-called blues fans nobody has mentioned "Gary Moore", one of the best blues guitarist's ever! My favorite blues song is "Story of the blues" by Gary Moore from the "Blues Alive" cd, which is my favorite blues album ever. Another great blues guitarist not mentioned by anyone is Chris Duarte, so start listening all you blues fans.
2007-05-16 19:31:47 UTC
Texas flood by stevie Ray followed closley by The thrill is gone by Blues Boy King. (BB)
2007-05-16 13:50:29 UTC
I'm a blues musician (vocals harmonica) and its hard to say which song or artist is my favorite. Muddy Waters is my basic influence, but Little Walter, Otis Rush, Albert King and too Meany to mention. I go through periods like most artists do I guess.
2007-05-09 22:30:34 UTC
tune: Mannish Boy

artist: Muddy Waters
2007-05-10 06:34:57 UTC
The Complete Recordings of Robert Johnson. He's amazing.
2007-05-09 23:09:32 UTC
Picking a favorite blues artist and tune seems a little out of keeping with the spirit of the blues. It's sort of like asking a person if he considers himself to be an existentialist. (If he says "yes," you should immediately suspect something since existentialism resists definitions.) But I'll take this in the spirit of it being an opportunity to share some interests with fellow blues lovers.

Three tunes come to mind immediately: "Devil Got My Woman" by Skip James, "Tell Me Where the Road Is" by Guy Davis, and "Prisoner's Talking Blues" by Robert Pete Williams.

There is only one really bad answer so far: the one that says there are only three blues singers "that matter." What in the world could that possibly mean? Of course the ones he names "matter," but so do many, many others.

Just some of my favorites (in additions to the three mentioned above): Mississippi John Hurt, Rev. Gary Davis, Son House, Robert Johnson, Lightnin' Hopkins, Howlin' Wolf, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert King, B.B. King, Bo Carter, K.C. Douglas, and on, and on.

By the way, I strongly suggest that anyone interested in this question at all become familiar with the website. The link below is to the beginning of the section on the blues (fifteen plus articles on country blues alone!). You can look up information by artist, genre, album, song, whatever.

Finally, please don't mess things up by proclaiming someone to be the "greatest blues artist of all time." This really doesn't help anything. This isn't a competition. And most of us weren't alive to see and hear some of the greatest of all time--and some of them were never recorded.

EDITED ADDITION SEVERAL DAYS LATER: Apparently there are three to five people going through and giving a "thumbs down" to every single answer. Do any of them care to answer the question and explain why everyone else deserves criticism?
2007-05-09 21:46:46 UTC
Buddy Guy, John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson and BB King
2007-05-09 21:06:31 UTC
there are only 3 blues singers that matter

robert johnson


son house

great songs you should check out by each

rj- crossroads blues

lb- where did you sleep last night

sh- death letter
2007-05-09 19:59:21 UTC
Buddy Guy. I saw him not long ago close out a jazz festival. Where does that old man get all of his energy.
2007-05-09 20:18:22 UTC
Albert Collins - definitely my all time favourite. I also really like Albert King; one of the coolest blues albums I own is a jam between him and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Really awesome.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.